" the reason is because they would certainly attain mujo bodai (perfect buddhist enlightenment ) early if they worked hard in their ascetic practices ." 「所以(ゆえん)は如何(いかん)、もしよく修行すれば必ず疾(と)く無上菩提を成ずることを得べし。」
expecting and practicing the results of good deeds to benefit other people is called " shujo eko (eko for mankind ), " and practicing the expectation for the result of good deeds to attain buddhahood is eko for buddhist enlightenment . 善行の結果を人々のためになるよう期待し、それを果すのを「衆生回向」といい、善行の結果を仏果の完成に期待するならば、それを果すことは仏道への回向である。
in old days , it was used for shiho (to inherit the dharma from a priest master ) priestly teacher , but now it is a common name for those who preside a so-do hall (a training hall for meditation ) and are entitled to give inka (permission ) to ascetic monks who reached gotatsu (comprehension , understanding , buddhist enlightenment , satori ). 古くは一般に嗣法の師僧をさす呼び名だったが、現在では修行道場である僧堂を主宰し、悟達の修行僧に印可を与える資格を有する者をいう。
in old days , it was used for shiho (to inherit the dharma from a priest master ) priestly teacher , but now it is a common name for those who preside a so-do hall (a training hall for meditation ) and are entitled to give inka (permission ) to ascetic monks who reached gotatsu (comprehension , understanding , buddhist enlightenment , satori ). 古くは一般に嗣法の師僧をさす呼び名だったが、現在では修行道場である僧堂を主宰し、悟達の修行僧に印可を与える資格を有する者をいう。
according to yakushi hongan kudokukyo , yakushi nyorai was a founder of a religious sect in toho joruri sekai (eastern pure land ), and swore 12 oaths when it was bodhisattva , lengthened people ' s lives by curing their diseases , removed disasters , provided clothes and food , practiced buddhist ascetic training and finally became buddha by attaining mujo bodai (perfect buddhist enlightenment ). 薬師本願功徳経では、薬師如来は東方浄瑠璃世界の教主で、菩薩の時に12の大願を発し、この世門における衆生の疾病を治癒して寿命を延べ、災禍を消去し、衣食などを満足せしめ、かつ仏行を行じては無上菩提の妙果を証らしめんと誓い仏と成ったと説かれる。