buddhist enlightenment 意味

発音を聞く:   buddhist enlightenmentの例文
  • Buddhist enlightenment


  1. " the reason is because they would certainly attain mujo bodai (perfect buddhist enlightenment ) early if they worked hard in their ascetic practices ."
  2. expecting and practicing the results of good deeds to benefit other people is called " shujo eko (eko for mankind ), " and practicing the expectation for the result of good deeds to attain buddhahood is eko for buddhist enlightenment .
  3. in old days , it was used for shiho (to inherit the dharma from a priest master ) priestly teacher , but now it is a common name for those who preside a so-do hall (a training hall for meditation ) and are entitled to give inka (permission ) to ascetic monks who reached gotatsu (comprehension , understanding , buddhist enlightenment , satori ).
  4. in old days , it was used for shiho (to inherit the dharma from a priest master ) priestly teacher , but now it is a common name for those who preside a so-do hall (a training hall for meditation ) and are entitled to give inka (permission ) to ascetic monks who reached gotatsu (comprehension , understanding , buddhist enlightenment , satori ).
  5. according to yakushi hongan kudokukyo , yakushi nyorai was a founder of a religious sect in toho joruri sekai (eastern pure land ), and swore 12 oaths when it was bodhisattva , lengthened people ' s lives by curing their diseases , removed disasters , provided clothes and food , practiced buddhist ascetic training and finally became buddha by attaining mujo bodai (perfect buddhist enlightenment ).


        (buddhist) perfect enlightenment:    (Buddhist) perfect enlightenment 正覚 しょうがく
        entering (buddhist) enlightenment:    entering (Buddhist) enlightenment 悟入 ごにゅう
        enlightenment:     enlightenment n. 啓発, 啓蒙(けいもう), 光明. 【動詞+】 achieve spiritual enlightenment 精神的な悟りを得る attain enlightenment 悟りを開く attain (a) philosophical enlightenment 哲学に目覚める I gained a good
        the enlightenment:    the Enlightenment 啓蒙思潮 けいもうしちょう 啓蒙運動 けいもううんどう
        buddhist:     Buddhist n. 仏教信者. 【形容詞 名詞+】 a converted Buddhist 改宗した仏教徒 a fanatical Buddhist 熱狂的仏教徒 a fervent Buddhist 熱心な仏教徒 a practicing Buddhist 仏教の教えを実践している仏教徒. 【前置詞+】 be brou
        (buddhism) enlightenment:    (Buddhism) enlightenment 大悟 たいご だいご
        achieve enlightenment:    悟りを開く、悟る
        attain enlightenment:    悟りを開く
        civilization and enlightenment:    文明開化{ぶんめい かいか}
        complete enlightenment:    完全{かんぜん}な悟り
        cultural enlightenment:    文明開化{ぶんめい かいか}
        enlightenment activity:    啓発活動{けいはつ かつどう}◆activity(反復的な活動)は通例、複数形の activities を用いる。
        enlightenment economics:    啓もう主義経済学{しゅぎ けいざいがく}
        enlightenment economist:    啓もう主義経済学者{しゅぎ けいざい がくしゃ}
        enlightenment movement:    enlightenment movement 啓蒙運動 けいもううんどう 啓蒙思潮 けいもうしちょう


  1. "buddhist country" 意味
  2. "buddhist cross" 意味
  3. "buddhist culture" 意味
  4. "buddhist deity of love" 意味
  5. "buddhist deliverance (of one's soul)" 意味
  6. "buddhist evangelist" 意味
  7. "buddhist family chapel" 意味
  8. "buddhist festival for offering lanterns to buddha" 意味
  9. "buddhist festival period called bon" 意味
  10. "buddhist deity of love" 意味
  11. "buddhist deliverance (of one's soul)" 意味
  12. "buddhist evangelist" 意味
  13. "buddhist family chapel" 意味

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